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Welcome everyone. What I want to tell you about through this more personal bio is my heart's desire for you and for all humanity...It is for you to be truly free. What does that mean? It means that your thoughts, words and actions are no longer determined by the narratives that you constructed to keep you feeling safe, functional and only surviving in this life. True freedom is based on you embodying the truth of your existence as a being of light and Divine consciousness. It is that you and everyone on this planet serve a purpose. And that purpose is to be the fullest expression of who and what you are in every moment and every second of time. You are beautiful just as you are and it is time for you to recognize this as the truth. You were created as a manifestation of cosmic energy, as life being expressed through you. And because of this, everything you need and desire is always available to you whenever you need it. You may or may not realize this but the reality is, this is always an option for you. I desire to help you dissolve the illusion that infinite abundance is hidden behind strenuous effort and needing to prove your value in order to experience it.


I am here to help you and all humanity discover and uncover the truth of their existence so you may live an authentic life. I do this through a variety of ways such as spiritual mentorship and energetic transmissions. I am a part of an intergalactic team which is serving the evolution of planet Earth, so many of my energetic transmissions are filtered down through the higher planes. As the Earth and its inhabitants continue to evolve, moving through immense, challenging transformations, there is a crucial need for everyone to receive support and mentorship. Many people are being pushed to evolve whether they realize it or not. But I am not here only for those on the conscious spiritual path. I am here for all people regardless of race, religion or gender. It is important that all people know that we are all interwoven together in this tapestry of life. The time of separation based on these characteristics is beginning to dissolve as humanity merges with their Christ Consciousness.


As this process occurs, there are many difficult adjustments required that can create immense pressure on the body and psyche. To help people with these adjustments, I offer spiritual guidance sessions to help ease the process or at least provide people with the insight they need to move through this process more seamlessly with less resistance. Feel free to check out my spiritual guidance offerings here, but also check out my free sharings on my social media platforms. I share a plethora of musings related to the spiritual evolutionary process in a grounded and applicable way. See you soon!

With all my love,

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