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Soul Portrait

Unlike the aura, the energy of your soul is a more stable representation of your personal blueprint. Your soul holds the key to accessing your spiritual wisdom, innate gifts and soul's type. For these soul portraits, I will be painting what I see within your soul's blueprint. This may manifest as relevant past lives, natural skills and affinities. I will also include a light language code that will assist in your connection to the intelligence of your soul's light.

These images are digital JPG and will be sent along with an audio recording of the impressions received during the painting process via email within 3-5 days.

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Aura Portrait

An aura portrait is a painted visualization of the colors, themes and messages in your auric field. I tap into your energy, focusing specifically on psychically perceiving the aura, then I translate the information I see, feel or hear onto canvas. Depending on what's unfolding in your life at the time, I may see between 1-3 colors at a time, but I will see several symbols, numbers or guides that convey the messages you need to hear. Once the portrait is complete, I send you a JPG of the image along with a document sharing the information I received from your aura. 

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Star Guide Portrait

For people who feel an affinity with the stars, galaxies and dimensions beyond our own, this portrait may be one of special interest. I connect to your energy to see who/ what is guiding you that is connected to another star system, galaxy or celestial body and then follow my intuitive guidance in portraying them on canvas. Here is what is important to remember however. Some of what we perceive as guides may very well be "us" but as a potential future version of ourselves if we continue following the same path of evolution. It may also be an energy that is connected to us through the oversoul as soul facets associated with other "lifetimes." It's important to remain open when investing in one of these portraits as the wisdom they have to share is intriguing and valuable but perhaps different than you imagined. I will paint your portrait and send a JPG image along with a recording or a document with the information I perceived from them. 

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Blue Sky

Spirit Guide Portrait

This portrait is more traditional in the way we perceive spirit guides. This is a portrait of someone who has lived and died on Earth that is currently guiding you at this point in your life. I will paint your portrait and send you a JPG of the image along with a recording or document of any impressions or messages I receive from them. 

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The current wait time for all portraits is 7-14 days. Wait time varies depending on number of clients, recovery time needed between clients and other personal variables that may cause wait time to increase.

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