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A 4 week course to help you transform and ground your cosmic power


Welcome to what will be a pivotal step on your journey to rediscovering your priestess power and potential. This course was designed with the help of Goddess Isis to help you further descend into the vastness of your inner cosmic landscape so you can be a powerful creator/creatrix...minus all the exhaustive efforts, stress and micromanaging. The process of manifestation and creation is what it is always happening. But our understanding of it has been watered down to create a linear "scientific" version that is sellable and highly structured. The higher perspective of this is that manifestation is something that comes naturally to you. It is an inherent part of your makeup as a being of light, Universal energy and Divine consciousness. 

Goddess Isis is here to help you remember your inherent magic. She is THE  goddess who is known for her magical powers. Ancient Egyptian mythology is laden with stories of her magical skills. But when we say the word "magic" in this context, exactly what do we mean?


You may have come to understand magic as a practice or set of rituals involving tools, specific words and incantations, and of course, your intention. But I want to take this time to redefine magic for you. Magic is a stream of energy interwoven into the tapestry of life. Magic is what allows for creation to happen. Elements of all kinds coming together to create physical things, energies and experiences...that IS magic. So in this same vein, we must realize that magic is everywhere and is in everything...including you. Your inherent magic, the magic you were born with that is one with life, is what Goddess Isis wants to help you return to. This magical embodiment will allow you to create a life that is in alignment with your heart's desires without having to claw at the outside world to "make things happen." Instead, your life will be a reflection of the beauty and abundance you've realized in your inner world. At some point, you won't need any fancy rituals, tools and practices unless you really want to use opposed to integrating this stuff because you feel you have to. All you'll really need is your priestess power. 

Scroll down to see the agenda for this 4 week course:



The first week will be an initiatory process to connect you to your priestess power and strengthen your pillar of light. We will move through an immersive meditation to move within and beyond the standard chakra system, connect to Sirius and create more space for Divine light to move through your center column. 



The second week will be focused on utilizing the Giza plateau for its zero point access qualities. Being able to tap into and embody the zero point energy is essential for accessing the magical, creative potency of the Universe.



The third week will be focused on building upon the vast, universal energies of week 2 to create what the heart desires. Please know that this symbol is but an externalization of an energy that already exists within you. We're just working to embody it so it's readily accessible. 



The final week will be focused on connecting to the wisdom of the Earth Star to not only ground your creations but also help you see how your gifts are meant to be used for the good of others on the planet. 

This agenda is a general outline of the course week by week. Depending on the workings of Spirit however, there may be slight changes in intention to support the highest good of the group. Keep in mind that this is your unique process and it's important for you to nurture your own spiritual connection through prayer, meditation, honoring your needs and anything else you may be called to do. I am sharing the energy that has emerged within me with you so we can ALL benefit. 

The start date for this course will be Wednesday February 28th at 3pm EST. We will meet every Wednesday at 3pm until this course ends on March 20th. These dates are subject to change.


This is a live interactive course which will be held on Zoom with replays emailed to all attendees after each meetup. 

Live course registration is currently closed. 

To receive the replays for the most recent course, make a payment of $88 below

*This course is not meant to cure any illness or personal problem, whether emotional or otherwise. If you are truly struggling with a physical or mental issue, please consult the proper health care professional to assist you. 

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